155 Ichikokudo Hokkaido Ramen - Northpoint City Reviews
透過參考其他食客對 [[[Ichikokudo Hokkaido Ramen - Northpoint City]]] 的評論,進一步瞭解您心儀的餐廳。所有餐廳評論都是由經驗證的 Quandoo 食客撰寫。在前往 [[[Ichikokudo Hokkaido Ramen - Northpoint City]]] 之前,先透過真實評論,瞭解其他顧客喜歡 [[[Ichikokudo Hokkaido Ramen - Northpoint City]]] 的地方,進行訂位的時候更有信心!
155 項評論
155 項評論
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Delicious Japanese food at it's best. Looking forward to come again!
Comforting food at it's best. Will always look forward to visit the eatery again.
Service crew is friendly and polite. Waiting time for food to be served is short too.
The service was great, staff was helpful despite being very busy. Ordered the Daichi Tomato Ramen and found it too salty :( Taste was okay initially (minus the saltiness) but it got too heavy towards the end and had to request for warm water to finish the meal. Understand that it was supposed to be tomato puree + chicken soup broth but the bowl I had just had super thick sauce (couldn't enjoy the soup broth)... Hope that the restaurant could offer a lighter version, that would be good! :)
Good food and good price for the whole family. We all like it!