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Clarke Quay
Upin Hot Pot - Clarke Quay

Upin Hot Pot - Clarke Quay

Hotpot, Chinese, Asian

Dishes priced aroundSGD 14

Photo of restaurant Upin Hot Pot - Clarke Quay in Clarke Quay, Singapore

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About Upin Hot Pot - Clarke Quay

Family-friendly ✨
Good for groups 🎉
Wheelchair access
Card payment
Parking options
Air conditioning
Closed now
11:00 am - 7:30 pm
11:00 am - 3:00 am
11:00 am - 3:00 am
11:00 am - 3:00 am
11:00 am - 3:00 am
11:00 am - 7:30 pm
11:00 am - 7:30 pm

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More about the restaurant: Upin Hot Pot - Clarke Quay

There are few places better than Singapore for indulging in a bowl of hot pot, and there are few better places in Singapore than Upin Hot Pot. Located at Clarke Quay Central around Chinatown and Outram, this small yet stylish restaurant allows diners to customise their hot pot to the max. Choose from seven different soup bases that begin at one end of the spicy spectrum and end at the other, then garnish with all kinds of meats, veggies and condiments. Book a table now!!

Frequently asked questions

Does Upin Hot Pot - Clarke Quay serve Hotpot food?

Yes, the restaurant Upin Hot Pot - Clarke Quay serves Hotpot food and also serves Chinese, Asian food.

Does the restaurant Upin Hot Pot - Clarke Quay have Outdoor seating?

No, the restaurant Upin Hot Pot - Clarke Quay has no Outdoor seating.

Thinking about making a Upin Hot Pot - Clarke Quay booking?

Upin Hotpot reservation available. Upin Hot Pot is what Asian eating is all about – fresh ingredients and booming flavours. Reserve a table and head to Eu Tong Sen Street now.