Menu from Lux Cove Seafood 富景
Check out the menu at Lux Cove Seafood 富景 and discover what everyone's craving! Know what to expect when you book a table at Lux Cove Seafood 富景: From appetizers to desserts, discover the delicious food awaiting you. You can even peek at the prices, menu highlights and popular dishes from Lux Cove Seafood 富景. Mmm we’re getting hungry already…
Menu highlights
Signature Live Lobster with Clams 招牌蛤蜊龙虾汤底
Yellow Croaker (Fish) 东海黄鱼汤底
Sze Chuan Mala Style 川娘麻辣底
Shun De Porridge 顺德无米汤底
Shared Dishes
Claypot Rice 古董煲仔饭
Neptune Dry Fishing Vermicelli Pot 海皇干捞粉丝堡
Wagyu Beef Fried Rice 和牛蛋炒饭
Stir Fried Beef Noodles 避风塘干炒和牛
Signature Beef in 3 Styles 招牌三色牛肉船
Premium Marble Beef 特选肥牛一号
Tender Beef Slice 嫩滑牛肉片
Angus Ribeye Beef 精选安格斯眼肉
Handmade Shrimp Slip 即打鲜虾滑
Alaskan King Crab 阿拉斯加帝王蟹
Seasonal Price 时价
Red Hairy Crab 日本红毛蟹
Seasonal Price 时价