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Joo Chiat
Joo Chiat Fish Soup
Joo Chiat Fish Soup Menu

Joo Chiat Fish Soup

Seafood, Chinese, Singaporean

Dishes priced around$12

Photo of restaurant Joo Chiat Fish Soup in Joo Chiat, Singapore
Joo Chiat Fish Soup is not bookable via Quandoo. To make a reservation, contact the restaurant using the details below.

Menu from Joo Chiat Fish Soup

Check out the menu at Joo Chiat Fish Soup and discover what everyone's craving! Know what to expect when you book a table at Joo Chiat Fish Soup: From appetizers to desserts, discover the delicious food awaiting you. You can even peek at the prices, menu highlights and popular dishes from Joo Chiat Fish Soup. Mmm we’re getting hungry already…

Check out the menu(s)

Menu highlights



Red Grouer Fish Heead Steamboat 红斑鱼头炉

$50.00 | $80:00 | $120.00

Red Grouper Slices Steamboat 红斑鱼片炉

$50.00 | $80:00 | $120.00

King Grouper Fish Head Steamboat 龙趸鱼头炉

$50.00 | $80:00 | $120.00

King Grouper Slices Steamboat 龙趸鱼片炉

$50.00 | $80:00 | $120.00



Dried Radish with French Bean 菜脯四季豆

$8.00 | $12.00

Sambal Kang Kong 叁巴空心菜

$8.00 | $12.00

Chinese Chives with Egg 韭黄蛋

Fried Mid-Joint Chicken Wings 鸡中翅

$12.00 | $18.00 | $20.00



Sotong 苏东 (Market Price 时价)

Thai Style Chilli Sotong 泰式辣椒蒸苏东
Sambal Sotong 叁巴苏东
Salted Egg Sotong 咸蛋苏东
Garlic Sotong 蒜蓉苏东
Black Pepper 黑胡椒苏东

Prawns 虾类 (Market Price 时价)

Garlic Steam Prawns 蒜蓉蒸虾
Butter Prawns 奶油虾
Sambal Prawns 叁巴虾
Black Pepper Prawns 黑胡椒虾
Black Bean Prawns 蒜蓉黑酱油虾
Sambal Petal with Big Prawns 叁巴臭豆大虾

Crayfish 虾婆类 (Market Price 时价)

Butter Crayfish 奶油虾婆
Black Pepper Crayfish 黑胡椒虾婆
Curry Crayfish 咖喱虾婆
Sambal Chilli Crayfish 叁巴辣椒虾婆

Lobster 龙虾类 (Market Price 时价)

Signature Claypot Lobster Porridge 招牌砂锅龙虾粥
Butter Lobster 奶油龙虾
Garlic Cheese Vermicelli Lobster 金银蒜粉丝蒸龙虾



Signature Lala White Bee Hoon 招牌辣辣米粉

$6.00 | $8.00

Signature Lala Slice Fish White Bee Hoon 招牌辣辣鱼片米粉

$10.00 | $18.00 | $25.00

Signature Slice Fish Bee Hoon 招牌鱼片米粉

$13.00 | $20.00